February 15th, 2011
So as more and more of our world is focusing on decreasing our carbon footprint by taking more 'green' approaches to everyday life, I seem to be increasing mine. Now, that's not to say I'm not still conscious of eating locally, carpooling, recycling, etc. I'm actually100% behind helping to create and maintain a cleaner more efficient world for our children...and my childrens' children. Because I believe that children are our future. :) (teach them well and let them lead the way)...
Anyway, what I am experiencing right now is literally an increase of my physical footprint. Which I relate to carbon footprint simply because of there is more of me to cover ground on this earth. Please humor me. My once-petite size 7 feet are now an awkwardly squishy and large size 8...wide.
Nowhere in the books I've read have I come across an illustration paired with an accurate explanation...which would be that I would be that while growing a small human in my body I would also be growing my own set of flippers. Even worse is that unless I wear my ruby red loose-fitting, stocking-stuffer quality slippers to work, the grocery store, or the gym, I should prepare myself for the vice-grip, locked-in-cement-blocks feeling that my feet feel the minute I put on my beloved pair of Jessica Simpson heels.
It DOES say in the book(s) that my feet would swell and possibly even grow. Understatement of the millennium. All I know is that if I were to able to illustrate this calamity - this increase of my 'carbon' footprint - it would look somewhat like Scuba Steve from the Adam Sandler movie, Big Daddy...right next to a 'before and after' picture of a "Grow Your Own Dinosaur" Just add water and watch the fun as they grow larger and larger, up to 600% in size!
All squishy, large and water-logged.
But on the bright side I'm fully equipped to explore schools of exotic fish on my upcoming vacation. :)